Aug 10, 2009
The Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) and 36 other environmental groups filed comments urging EPA to revise Effluent Limitation Guidelines (ELGs) for the Steam Electric Power Generating Industry (i.e., power plants) to limit toxic discharges from coal combustion wastes (CCW). Steam electric power plants are the second largest discharger of toxic and nonconventional contaminants into the nation’s waters, and the toxicity of these discharges is primarily attributable to heavy metals from CCW effluent streams. EPA has never imposed limits for metals from CCW effluents, and ELGs for the steam electric category have not been revised in 27 years. EIP and the environmental groups call on EPA to revise ELGs for this industry to set strict limits on discharges of heavy metals and other dangerous pollutants from coal ash transport, handling, scrubber sludge, storage, disposal, and other CCW-related effluents.
- For EIP’s comments to EPA, click here
- For Attachment 1, Testimony of Eric Schaeffer and Lisa Evans, and Selenium and Arsenic Monitoring Results, click here