EPA Confirms 18 New Coal Ash Pollution Sites, Including 15 Identified by EIP

August 8, 2013

Three years after the majority were identified in a report by the Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) and Earthjustice, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has confirmed 18 new instances where there is proof that coal ash dumps have contaminated local waters. Of the 18, 15 were identified by EIP.

EPA-confirmed cases of coal ash pollution are just the tip of the iceberg. In addition to the 38 cases (including the 18 new ones) the EPA has determined already have threatened human health and the environment, the government now acknowledges 95 additional cases in which the contamination from coal ash disposal sites may be threatening such harm, including 42 identified by EIP.  Last year, utilities self-reported that they have contaminated groundwater or surface waters with coal ash contaminants at 116 coal ash disposal units at 49 coal plants.

For a copy of our analysis of the EPA data, click here.

For a copy of the press release, click here.