The Dirty Secrets of Coal Cleaning

The Environmental Integrity Project reviewed state pollution documents for four Pennsylvania coal prep plants that together account for more than 95% of the coal preparation capacity in the Commonwealth: Consol’s… Read more

Fracking Beyond the Law

In 2005, Congress stripped EPA of its authority under the Safe Drinking Water Act to regulate injection of fracking fluids, except diesel fuels, as part as what is known as… Read more

Murky Waters

The Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), a multistate, multi-year effort to restore the health of the Bay through pollution limits, is several years along with little evidence of progress. Many… Read more

Poultry’s Phosphorus Problem

The Chesapeake Bay is overloaded with phosphorus and nitrogen, nutrients that trigger algae blooms that block sunlight and rob Bay waters of the oxygen needed to sustain a healthy ecosystem.… Read more

Closing the Floodgates

Coal-fired power plants are the largest source of toxic water pollution in the United States based on toxicity, dumping billions of pounds of pollution into America’s rivers, lakes, and streams… Read more

Net Loss

More than 130,000 people die every year of heart and lung diseases that result from inhaling particles smaller than the width of a human hair. Coal-fired power plants are a… Read more

Risky Business

The Environmental Integrity Project has been collecting evidence of groundwater contamination near coal ash ponds and landfills for several years, and the more we look, the more we find. After… Read more